I sought to unite my arts administration and my art practice into a single devotion. I worked as director of the Artist Volunteer Center and saw the organization as a massive artwork.
I related my nonprofit work to the concept of “social choreography,” or how everyday physical and social movements can be reconsidered as choreographies – transforming our perception of dance, aesthetics, and performance. I was fascinated by how social choreography can be applied to arts administration, and particularly in supporting artists interested in helping people. I viewed the residency programs I create, for instance, as movement pieces – from the way the residents sat in a circles at our weekly workshops to how they'd perform volunteer components of the program inside communities. There was a framework given to the artists, yet they are encouraged to move within that structure and make it their own.
I developed programs using the same skills I cultivated in my fine art practice – identifying a unique idea, visualizing how to make it work, anticipating challenges, and leaving an openness for the unanticipated to happen. Processes that are identical for me in my studio and my office.
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